Party autonomy : civil procedural views on party autonomy, Franz Klein, EU law and more

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Upplaga : 1

Utgiven : 2011

ISBN: 9789176787793

Format: Hardback

Språk : eng

Förlag: Iustus


The texts in this book are based on papers presented at a civil procedural colloquium in Uppsala 2728 of April 2010: Party Autonomy in Civil Procedure a comparison of Austria, Slovenia and Sweden, in the light of the ideas of Franz Klein and with a view to the political contexts of the three countries. The Uppsala event contained a number of presentations on the theme of party autonomy. Furthermore ongoing research by young scholars from Ljubljana, Zürich, Uppsala and Gothenburg was presented, since the colloquium was set up also for the purpose to develop and initiate research exchange and ditto collaboration between the four participating countries in the field of civil procedure.

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